Hart County Board of Commissioners

August 14th, 2001

5:30 p.m.



The Hart County Board of Commissioners met August 14th, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Vice-Chairman Don Burdick presided with Commissioners Randy Banister, Ken Brown and Joey Dorsey in attendance. Chairman R. C. Oglesby absent.


Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of Silence


Vice-Chairman Burdick called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and called for a moment of silence.


Approve Agenda


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the meeting agenda to include minutes of July 23rd, 2001; add New Business item i. GEFA Grant and j. Regions II Advisory Council. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the "2001-2002" minutes book.


Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

            07/23, 07/24, 07/30, 08/08 '01


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held July 23rd, 24th, 30th and August 8th '01. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, Etc.

a.                  Gail Blackwell/Ninth District Opportunity


Ms. Blackwell was not in attendance for the meeting.


Reports By Constitutional Officers & Department Heads


County Attorney Walter Gordon reported that in regards to the Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority bids were opened in accordance with the law for construction of water lines to the new school facilities. He reported that Southeastern Utility was the low bidder.


Attorney Gordon commended Water Authority Chairman Fort Oglesby and Executive Director Jere Johnson for the good job they have done.


County Administrator's Report


County Administrator Gary Cobb announced that he was pleased to be back to work and appreciated the cards, calls and prayers during his recent surgery.


Commissioners' Reports


Commissioner Dorsey requested that the Commissioners review the current building permit ordinance, he stated he felt the $500 improvement limit be increased.


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to have two Commissioners, the Public Works Director and the County Administrator review the building permit ordinance. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. Mr. Al Olsen asked that the Home Owners Association be informed of any proposed changes to the ordinance. The motion carried unanimously.

Old Business

a.                  Literacy Center/bid discussion


Public Works Director Jon Caime reported that Joel Turner Construction Company had made a mistake on the bid that was submitted for the Literacy Center. Therefore, Mr. Turner requested to withdraw his bid proposal.


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to pursue negotiations with Escex Company. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


New Business


a.                  Intersection 51E & Vickery Street


Vice Chairman Burdick read a letter that was sent to Larry Dent of the Department of Transportation concerning a traffic study and necessary steps to improve the intersection at 51E & Vickery Street. He reported that a traffic island has been installed at the intersection. Chairman Oglesby requested in writing that the commissioners consider funding rumble strips at the Vickery Street & Woodlake Landing intersections.


The Commissioners consented to drafting a letter to the DOT to request if they have completed the traffic study at the intersection and if they felt rumble strips would provide any further safety measures.


b.                  Budget Amendment/Sheriff's Dept (vehicle purchase)


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to transfer funds from the contingency fund for the purchase of a 2001 Ford Crown Victoria for the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


c.                  Steve Wideman/Tax release request


Mr. Wideman explained that he was delinquent in paying his 1997 taxes and paid what he was told by the Tax Collector at the time. He said that he has not received any further notice that he still owed penalty and interest. However, he recently received a notice that his property was going to sold for back taxes. Mr. Wideman requested a waiver on the delinquent taxes since he had not received notification from the Tax Commissioners' office of taxes due.


Tax Appraiser Margaret Crossley remarked that the Board of Assessors disagrees with Mr. Wideman's request since the due date was January 20th, 1998 and he did not pay the taxes until June 12th, 1998.


Vice Chairman Burdick entered a motion to approve Mr. Wideman's  tax release waiver. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


d.                  Pam Fields/subdivision  (item removed from the agenda)


e.                  Anthony Lee/subdivision


Public Works Director Caime reported that the plat was in order and in compliance with Chapter 46 Land Development Standards.


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the Mr. Lee's request. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


f.                    Charles Sanford/Seraphe Point Subdivision

Pubic Works Director Caime reported that the road in the subdivision would not be a county maintained road.


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the amended plat dated June 21st, 2001. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


g.                  Justin Burdette/subdivision


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve Mr. Burdette's request. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


h.                  Melody Farms/subdivision


Public Works Director Caime reported that he received the plat at 3:00 p.m. August 14th, 2001 and that he is working with the developer on the request.


Executive Jere Johnson representing the Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority reported that the developer of Melody Farms subdivision has requested county water for the subdivision.


Developer Ken Trig reported that the plat is based on wells and has been approved by the Health Department.


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to table Melody Farms subdivision request. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


i.                    GEFA Grant


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to accept the GEFA Grant in the amount of $35,000 and authorize the chairman to sign on the Board's behalf.


j.                     Region II Advisory Committee


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to appoint Jerry Wise and Terrell Partain to serve on the Region II Advisory Committee. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Public Comment 


Al Olsen remarked that the subdivision ordinance gives an illusion that if fire hydrants are in place that water is also provided.  He voiced his concern that it may be a liability to the county.


Executive Session






Commissioner Banister entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.




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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman                           Lawana Kahn, County Clerk