7:00 P.M.



The Hart County Board of Commissioners met February 27th, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman R. C. Oglesby presided with Commissioners Randy Banister, Ken Brown, Don Burdick and Joey Dorsey in attendance.


Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of Silence


Chairman Oglesby called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and called for a moment of silence.


Approve Agenda


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the “2000-2001” minutes book.


Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

            02/13th, 2001


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held February 13th, 2001. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities

a.                   Billy Ray Vickery, Fire Chief


Chief Vickery reported the application for an ISO inspection would be finalized and submitted by March 9th, 2001.


Commissioner Burdick questioned Mr. Vickery as where the county is in respect to the ISO report that was completed in December 1998. He voiced his concern that whichever method the county elects to comply with the ISO recommendations; for either water hauling or hydrant that ISO will not allow it to be changed in the future. 


Mr. Vickery remarked that he is anticipating a 7/9 fire rating in the unincorporated areas of the county.  He said the Fire Department is still installing dry hydrants and that the trucks are in good shape.


Commissioner Burdick remarked that the ISO recommended that the Fire Department adopt a Standard Operating Procedure. Fire Training Officer Nan Harbison reported she has been working on an SOP manual as part of the four projects going at the present time and is doing everything possible to complete them within a certain time frame.


Commissioner Dorsey remarked that the Fire Department has come a long way in the past several years.


Reports by Constitutional Officers & Department Heads


County Attorney Walter Gordon reported that the Highway 29N water line project is progressing as scheduled. He also reported that the Water & Sewer Utility Authority would receive state funds to construct water lines in the amount of $600,000.


County Administrator’s Report


County Administrator Gary Cobb reported that the Fire Department personnel is currently works on priorities as follows:

·        Fire Training facility

·        ISO application

·        5 year 1% SPLOST allocations


He reported a public hearing was held prior to the regular meeting to receive comments for an application for a Community Development Block Grant to provide funding for water projects and or a Mental Health facility. He remarked that the deadline to submit the application is April 15th, 2001 and he will be ready to make a recommendation to the Board at the first meeting in March.


He also reported the Emergency Plan has been approved and the D.O.T. LARP listing was submitted February 26th, 2001.


Commissioners Reports


Commissioner Burdick reported that SB130 was introduced last week and there will be a public hearing in Evans, Georgia March 5th, 2001. He requested that the County Administrator retain a copy of the water supply conservation plan.


Commissioner Burdick asked if the letter has been sent to the Corps of Engineers to object to the Interbasin Transfer. County Attorney Gordon responded that the letter has been sent.


Commissioner Banister reported that Senator Beatty has introduced SB18 to outlaw video poker machines in the state and SB19 which would give local governments control and allow law enforcement to seize machines that are used improperly. He remarked that the ACCG supports SB204, which was written by Les Schneider, would increase penalties for operators that don’t follow current laws.  He asked that the county draft a letter to support either outlawing the machines or allow local governments to place tough restrictions on the establishments.


Commissioner Dorsey reported that the railroad company has damaged several roads in his district. He requested the County Administrator contact the company and request that repairs are made at their expense. Administrator Cobb remarked that usually the railway companies own a 100’ right-of-way along the railway.


Old Business

a.                   Board/Authority Appointments/Water & Sewer Utility Authority


County Administrator Cobb reported that Mr. Oliver, who is currently serving on the Authority, will be moving out of the county in the future but is willing to continue to serve until that time. Chairman Oglesby said that Mr. Haley is willing to serve for another term.


Commissioner Banister remarked that in the future the commissioners consider appointing new individuals to serve on various boards.


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to remove the Board/Authority Appointments from the table for discussion. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to re-appoint Larry Haley and James Oliver to the Water & Sewer Utility Authority. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


New Business


a.                   Sheriff Cleveland/Request for additional personnel


Sheriff Cleveland requested an additional fulltime deputy and one additional part time deputy to reduce the workload of current employees.


Chairman Oglesby asked if adding the additional personnel would reduce his department’s overtime. Sheriff Cleveland responded that it will cut his overtime expenditures and he will make do with the cars he currently has.


Sheriff Cleveland requested an additional cellular phone for Chief Deputy Whitmire.


Chairman Oglesby entered a motion to fund a full-time and part-time deputy and an additional cell phone. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Administrator Cobb requested that the board amend the budget by $20,000 to cover the added expenditures.


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to amend the budget by $20,000; to be taken from general fund balance. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Sheriff Cleveland requested the board consider allowing him to advertise for four additional part-time communication officers. He said the county would save funds by having a pool to draw from an as needed basis.


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to allow Sheriff Cleveland to increase the part time communication officers to four additional staff members.


Sheriff Cleveland reported that he discussed the option with a local physician of having a physician come to the jail facility vs. taking inmates to the physician’s office. However, the physician declined the service due to the high cost of liability insurance. It was decided that the county advertise for inmate medical proposals.


Sheriff Cleveland asked that the board consider giving Deputy Chris Brown at a six-year level of service pay. County Administrator Cobb will review the request and make a recommendation.


b.                  Bid opening/Bushhog Contract


The following individual submitted sealed bids for bushhogging county right-of-ways:

            1.         Ray Cairnes      $275 per mile

            2.         Alton Leard      $ 90 per mile


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to award Alton Leard the bushhog contract pending the county attorney’s review. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


c.                   Amendment to FY2000 Grading Contract


County Administrator Cobb recommended the board amend the grading contract with Ethridge Backhoe for an additional thirty days, which should allow Mr. Ethridge time to complete Bent Creek Road.


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to amend the contract to extend it by thirty days and allow payment at the conclusion of each road. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


d.                  Cell phone/Sheriff’s Department


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to amend the Sheriff’s Department budget by $400 to cover the cell phone expense. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


e.                   E911 – Letter of Intent


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to execute the letter of intent. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Chairman Oglesby abstained.


f.                    FY’01 Budget amendment – Waterline to Fire Training facility


County Administrator Cobb reported the county received EMA funds in the previous fiscal year to fund the waterline project to the Fire Training facility. He recommended the board consider amending the budget to allow the funds to be expended in FY’01.


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to amend the budget by $5,000 from general fund reserves for the waterline to the Fire Training facility. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


g.                   Code Amendment/Agenda Schedule


County Attorney Gordon had a draft amendment prepared however; he was instructed to change the deadline to 1:00 p.m. on Friday instead of 12 noon.


Public Comment


Blane Harris voiced his concern about the four-way stop intersection on Ridge Road. He requested that the board consider the following:

·        DOT traffic study

·        Small blinking lights be removed

·        Cut limbs that obstruct vision

·        Evaluate road signs


After discussing the situation, Commissioner Banister entered a motion to remove the small blinking lights, install rumble strips, cut limbs and request that the DOT give an expert opinion if the intersection is safer with or without a four-way stop. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. Commissioner Burdick opposed the motion. The motion carried 4-1.


County Administrator Cobb reported the Water & Sewer Utility Authority Executive Director has requested an allocation of $221,000 from the 1% SPLOST to fund a water line to Elrod Ferry residents.


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to amend the agenda to consider the issue. Chairman Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


 Commissioner Banister entered a motion to amend the 1%SPLOST allocations to the Water & Sewer Utility Authority in the amount of $221,000 to fund the Elrod Ferry water line project. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Executive Session


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to go into executive session to discuss potential litigation. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


With no further action taken during executive session, Commissioner Brown entered a motion to exit executive session and adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.





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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman                                      Lawana Kahn, County Clerk