Hart County Board of Commissioners

May 2nd, 2001

12 noon



The Hart County Board of Commissioners met May 2nd 2001 at 12 noon in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center. This meeting was held with less than the required 24-hour notice due to an oversight by the County Administrator. The editor of the Hartwell Sun was contacted personally and told of the planned meeting before it was held.


Vice Chairman Don Burdick called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Burdick, Banister and Dorsey. Also attending were Gary Cobb and C. Phillis. Chairman Oglesby joined the meeting shortly after it started.


Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, 2nd by Commissioner Banister to go into Executive Session for the purpose of personnel matters as required by O.C.G.A. 50-14-2, 50-14-3 and 50-14-4(b). The vote was 3-0. The resolution is recorded in the "2001-2002" minutes book.


Motion by Commissioner Banister, 2nd by Commissioner Dorsey to go out of Executive Session. Vote was 4-0, time approximately 12:45 p.m.


County Administrator Gary Cobb addressed the Board on several personnel issues. He asked that the county employees who participated in the Great American Cleanup be recognized by the granting of time off. This would be a one-time occurrence. By unanimous consent, the motion was approved.


EMS Director Dan Yeargin's letter of resignation was discussed and what the process would be to fill the position.


A final matter was the settling of an open issue in the Coroner's office.


Motion by Commissioner Burdick, 2nd by Commissioner Banister to adjourn. Vote 4-0; time approximately 12:55 p.m.




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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman                                Gary S. Cobb, County Administrator