Hart County Board of Commissioners

August 27th, 2002

7:00 p.m.


The Hart County Board of Commissioners met August 27th, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Joey Dorsey presided with Commissioners R. C. Oglesby, Don Burdick, Randy Banister and Ken Brown in attendance.


Call to Order 


Chairman Dorsey called the meeting to order.




Chairman Dorsey welcomed those in attendance.




Commissioner Banister offered prayer.


Pledge of Allegiance 


Everyone stood in respect to the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approve Agenda


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve and amend the meeting agenda as follows:

            New Business

f.                    Beer & Wine Application - Bullsnort Store

g.                  Hodges Mill Water Line Project Budget Amendment


Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

            8/13th, 8/14th, 8/19th, 8/22nd 2002


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held August 13th, 14th, 19th, and 22nd, 2002. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, Etc.




Reports By Constitutional Officers & Department Heads


County Attorney Walter Gordon did not have anything to report.


County Administrator's Report


County Administrator Gary Cobb reported on the status of the FY'03 budget. He stated that the proposed FY03 General Fund Budget would not require a tax increase in the upcoming budget year. He added that by the state's definition a tax increase occurs when the total dollar amount of property tax bills increases over the previous year.


Chairman's Report  


Chairman Dorsey reported that he, Commissioners Oglesby and Brown went to the City of Hartwell's Council meeting and offered to resolve the dispute through arbitration for the 1% LOST revenues. He reported that the City offered to accept 22% of the 1st $2.2 million dollars and 100% of the revenues in excess of $2.2 million dollars.


Chairman Dorsey also reported that there would be a public hearing August 29th, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. for the beer and wine application submitted by Max Saver Store.


Commissioners' Reports


The Commissioners discussed the 1% LOST distribution with the municipalities. They decided to work with the State Department of Revenue to set a date for an arbitration hearing.


Old Business


a.                  Board/Authority Appointments


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to remove the item from the table for discussion. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to reappoint Doctor Gordon Irwin, Scott Hardigree and Pudge Smith to serve three-year terms on the Hospital Authority. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


No action was taken for the appointment to the DFACS board.


            b.         Resolution 2002-016  


Commissioner Banister entered a motion to remove the item from the table for discussion. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to adopt the Resolution to addition of Spring Road to the county road system and addition and renaming Leonard Cheek Road. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


c.         Amendment to "Ordinance Authorizing the Imposition of Curfews during times of emergency or disaster"


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to remove the item from the table for discussion. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


County Administrator Cobb announced this would be the third reading of the proposed amendment to the ordinance.


County Attorney Gordon read the proposed changes to the ordinance. He remarked that the Board of Commissioners or its designee would have the authority to adopt a curfew without specifying who the designee would be.


Attorney Gordon added that some counties names the EMS/EMA Director as the emergency designee.


EMS Director Terrell Partain said his job is to gather information in the case of a disaster and present that information to the Board. He said he would not be comfortable assuming that responsibility since he is not an elected official.


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to adopt the ordinance as amended. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion.

Commissioner Banister stated that he wanted the designee to be the Probate Judge or Superior Court Judge in the event that the entire Board of Commissioners is incapacitated.


Tom Hardigree stated the Board should specify an elected official as its designee.


Chairman Dorsey called for the vote. The motion carried four in favor. Commissioner Banister voted against the motion.


New Business


a.                  Intra Department Fund Transfers


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the General Fund Intra Department Fund Transfers. Commissioner Brown provided a second. The motion carried 5-0. The fund transfers are recorded in the minutes book.


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the Solid Waste Intra Department Fund Transfers. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The fund transfers are recorded in the minutes book.


b.                  Task Order #2 - Gateway Park


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve Task Order #2 for engineering services at the Gateway Park. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


c.                  Return to Work Policy 


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adopt the Return to Work Policy to attempt to accommodate employees injured on the job with light duty work. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The Return to Work Policy is recorded in the minutes book.


d.                  Patriot Day (September 11) Proclamation 


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to designate September 11th, 2002 as Patriot Day. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion.


Tom Hardigree requested the permission to use the Courthouse Square for an event on September 11th. The Commissioners concurred.


Chairman Dorsey called for the vote. The motion carried 5-0.


e.                  Budget Amendments - Hart Co. Water & Sewer Accounts

·        Hartwell Delinquent Accounts

·        Hartwell July water bill


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to pay the City of Hartwell $16835.50 for July water usage and delinquent accounts balance of $1,760.48. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion.


Jere Johnson, Water & Sewer Authority Executive, stated that the Authority would refund the county when they collect the money.


            f.          Beer & Wine Application - Bullsnort Store  


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve the beer and wine application submitted by Michael Scruggs. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


            g.         Hodges Mill Water Line Project Budget Amendment  


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the budget amendment for the Hodges Mill water line. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


Public Comment  


John Lorenzen reported that an area of the road on Old Highway 29 was very bumpy and needed repaired.


Mr. Lorenzen inquired about the area of the county right-of-way that is not used. Commissioner Oglesby remarked that the county has agreed to bushhog fifteen feet along the county right-of-way.


Commissioner Burdick stated that the DOT did not approve funding to resurface Old Highway 29.


Mr. Lorenzen also remarked about problems with dogs that are unleashed. He asked the board to consider a leash law.


Jere Johnson reported that Sunset Road; Sunset Drive, Sunset Circle, North School and South School water projects are complete. He said Old Beacon Light Road water project should be complete in three to four weeks.


Mr. Johnson reported that the paperwork has been submitted to the EPD for the Gateway project. He also reported that the Authority would be awarding the Hodges Mill Road water project soon.


Executive Session  






Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.




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Joey Dorsey, Chairman                               Lawana Kahn, County Clerk