Jon Caime, County Administrator

February 17, 2004

A work session of the Hart County Board of Commissioners was held beginning at 5:30 February 18, 2004.  All of the Hart County Board of Commissioners were present along with Jon Caime, County Administrator (CA).  The agenda was as follows:

  1. RDC Meal in Hartwell
  2. Discussion on the Peer Review

1.  RDC Meal In Hartwell:

Chairman Reyen explained that the RDC meeting is held in various Counties on a rotating basis and that it will be in Hartwell this time and suggested that the County pay for half of the cost of the meal that is being provided for this meeting to match the City’s contribution.

Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to pay one half of the meal cost not to exceed $2,000 for this RDC meeting.

Commissioner Dorsey provided a second.  The vote was 5-0.

2.  Peer Review:

Chairman Reyen called for an executive session to discuss a personnel issue from the peer review recommendations.

After some discussion it was decided that the eligibility for an executive session was questionable. (Note: the County Attorney was not present to advise the Commission).

Chairman Reyen then began to discuss the findings beginning on page 7 of the peer review under the Summary and Recommendations Section

A.  First three paragraphs: 

The Peer review recommended the HCBOC consider reducing the Board of Assessors (BOA) from a 5 member Board to a three member Board.

Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to keep a 5 member Board.

Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion.

Commissioner Carter suggested the County look into alternatives such as a three member Board with alternates.  He commented that a reduced Board size would save tax dollars.

Chief appraiser Margaret Crossley explained that a the 5 member Board structure allows each BOA member to have a particular area of focus and training such as Mobile Homes, City, Lake etc…  She further explained that one person can not learn everything about each subject in the limited time of appointments.

BOA member Don Burdick suggested that a 5 member board is needed to ensure a quorum is present at each meeting.

Commissioner Banister commented that there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel and that a 5 member Board would bring more thought to the Board.

The vote on the original motion was 5-0.

Chairman Reyen then addressed the Peer Review recommendation for the removal of two BOA members.  The discussion first addressed the vacancy created by the resignation of BOA member Mr. Florence Gaines.

Commissioner Banister suggested that it may be beneficial to have someone from the farming community fill the vacancy to provide the diversity needed especially in light of the great impact agriculture has on Hart County.

Commissioner Reyen recommended that the County Administrator follow the recently adopted Board Appointment policy by placing an ad in the local paper.

Commissioner Banister made a motion to begin the search to fill the BOA vacancy.

Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion.

Commissioner Dorsey commented that he has advocated for some time to have a BOA member from the farming community.  He further commented that the only equitable way to have representation on the BOA is for each district to have a representative.

Motion carried 5-0.

Chairman Reyen then discussed the Peer Reviews recommendation for the removal of BOA member Ms. Anne Thompson for failure to pass the required examination.

Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to allow Ms. Thompson to have two more tries to pass the exam (3 total) as long as there is no legal reason to prevent such action.  (A legal interpretation has been requested of the County Attorney).

Commissioner Dorsey commented that Ms. Thompson deserves time and that she has dedicated her time to the County in her service on the BOA.

Commissioner Banister concurred with the other commissioners comments.

A discussion took place regarding information reportedly placed on the DOR website that conflicted with the information in the peer review and the information that has been presented to the HCBOC to date.  A clarification of the status of the BOA and the appraisal staff was requested of Chief Appraiser Margaret Crossley.

Ms. Thompson then addressed the Board indicating that she was personally hurt by any allegations.  She indicated that she is proud to serve the Citizens of Hart County and desires to continue that service.

Each HCBOC member publicly apologized to Ms. Thompson for any perception that this was a personal attack against her.

The vote on the motion was 5-0.

Chairman Reyen then addressed the State Code 48-5-262 (2) where the county board of tax assessor is responsible for hiring and managing the appraisal staff.  He further clarified that the chief appraiser and the appraisal staff work for the BOA.

B:  Paragraph #4 of Peer Review:

Chairman Reyen then discussed the Peer Reviews report that personal property with a total value less than $7,500 has been illegally taxed in Hart County.

Chief Appraiser Margaret Crossley replied that refunds have been calculated to correct this issue and the total amount is less than $8,600 including all taxing entities.

C:  Paragraphs #5& #6 of Peer Review:

Chairman Reyen read this paragraph dealing with the Peer review’s suggestion that the BOA adopt written policies for their assessment processes.

D:  Paragraph #7 of peer review:

Chairman Reyen read this paragraph pertaining to the need for proper training of the appraisal staff.  He suggested that the BOA provide a training budget with supporting documentation and costs to get the training needed.

E:  Paragraph #8 of peer review:

Chairman Reyen read this paragraph where the peer review recommends increasing the number and qualifications of the appraisal staff.

CA Caime presented estimated costs of implementing the peer review recommendations would be $31,084.

After discussion Chairman Reyen made a motion that the BOA develop a personnel staffing and training plan in line with the recommendations of the peer review, along with a timeline for implementing the plan.  In addition, the BOA needs to present an outline with as much detail as possible for the adoption of written policies to make the tax assessment process as transparent to the public as possible.  This plan and the policy outline is to be provided to the HCBOC by the second meeting in April (27) 2004.

Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion.

Commissioners Oglesby and Dorsey expressed a concern with the amount of material needed by the deadline presented in the motion.

The vote was 3-2 (Commissioners Oglesby and Dorsey) opposed.

Mr. Florence Gaines addressed the Board expressing his appreciation to be able to serve on the BOA.  He commended the BOA for only having 59 court appeals of the 16,000 parcels.

EMS Pay:

Commissioner Dorsey then entertained a motion to remove the EMS pay scale issue from the table.

Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion.

A vote on the motion was 3-2 (Commissioner Banister and Chairman Reyen opposed).

Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to place the EMS pay scale issue on the agenda for this work session.

Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion.

A vote on the motion was 3-2 (Commissioner Banister and Chairman Reyen opposed).

Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to increase all the hourly employees of the EMS department by one pay grade.

Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion.

A vote on the motion was 3-2 (Commissioner Banister and Chairman Reyen opposed).

Commissioner Banister made a motion to adjourn.

Commissioner Dorsey provided a second.

Vote 5-0.